Greetings from Our Team

Basha was born when we saw the desperate need in the market for a new kind of retail and creative experience.

Here at Basha, we realize that entrepreneurship very rarely succeeds on a single person’s hard work alone. Like they say, it takes a village. We exist to provide facilities for creative talents to promote and market their creations. It is also our mission to elevate the retail experience beyond the quick transaction at the cashier; we want visitors to immerse themselves in a creative atmosphere and thoroughly enjoy their shopping experience.

ar·cade, n.
a covered passageway with arches along one or both sides.

On the 28th to 30th of August 2015, Basha Arcade took place in Ciputra World Mall in Surabaya. This event was our third one in this vibrant metropolis. It was a resounding success, with over 65,000 visitors throughout the weekend. The Arcade concept differed from the previous Basha events that had taken place before, as we had to tackle an open space plan within a mall’s public space. The design of our venue was a deliberate and thoughtful process – if previous iterations of the Basha concepts required us to design only entry points, this one had us designing every nook and cranny of the open space plan. And if the numbers tell us anything, it is that Basha Arcade is not just the vessel to your destination, but also a destination in itself.

Our ninety (!!) amazing, unique vendors hailed not only from Jakarta and Surabaya, but from all over our beautiful Indonesia. The enthusiastic support we received from our visitors further cemented our confidence that indeed, the public craves more original talent amidst the mass-produced and mass-marketed products we seem to encounter ad nauseam.

The concept for Basha Arcade was “Mad Lab”. This concept toes on the themes of laboratories that exist in everyone’s minds, where everyone is free to abstractly experiment with new ideas and imaginations. We’d like for everyone to celebrate and nurture the mad scientist within you, process new information on the daily and to come up with new creative ideas to keep pushing the envelope further…
Surabaya’s beloved lady mayor, Ibu Tri Rismaharini, affectionately called Ibu Risma, also visited Basha Arcade in her support of our melting pot of ideas and execution. Apart from sampling the delicious creations of our culinary vendors and greeting (and selfie-taking with) her many fans, she expressed her appreciation for the creation and promotion of local grown talents.
BASHAarcade 1
Fortunately, we shan’t keep you waiting too much longer for an even MADDER concept! Mad Lab is returning to you full force, and then some. Come November 27 2015 in Grand City Surabaya, you’ll be able to explore and delve further into the world of Basha.

Come explore the labyrinth of Mad Lab..

Your ever-so-mad neighborhood laboratory scientists,
​Basha Team

Photos by State Photography.